Page 73 - RCA Catalog
P. 73

Parmigiano Reggiano DOP


                                                                                      •  Emilia Romagna

                                                                                      •  Italy


           Made from 100% raw cow's milk in the regions of Reg-                       •  Unpasteurized
           gio-Emilia, Modena and Parma, Parmigiano Reggiano is                       •  Cow’s
           quite possibly Italy's most famous cheese. Referrences
           to this cheese can be found dating back to the middle                   Flavor
           ages when it was developed by monks, and it has been                       •  Nutty

           made over the centuries by the same methods. This is a
                                                                                      •  Savory
           DOP cheese, also overseen by the Consorzio del
           Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano, who inspect every                        Texture
           wheel and stamp these Mitica wheels for Export.
                                                                                      •  Hard
           Forever Cheese sources them from a premium family of

           farms selected for quality, artistry, location, and flavor                 •  Crumbly
           profile. They fully support their cheesemakers, who are                 Pairing
           devoted to making great cheese.
           The cheese has an iconic flavor; delicate yet complex,                     •  Italian Reds

           with fruity and nutty notes. The texture is compact and                    •  Fruit Preserves
           granular. All wheels are aged a minimum of 24 months.

             10053897  Cheese Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 1/4 Wheel     1/20#

            10053880  Cheese Parmigiano Reggiano DOP 1/8 Wheel     2/10#

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