Page 9 - RCA Catalog
P. 9

Hickory Grove


                                                                                      •  Chapel Hill

                                                                                      •  North Carolina


                                                                                      •  Pasteurized

                                                                                      •  Cow’s


                                                                                      •  Rich
           If you are looking to make raclette, root vegetable
                                                                                      •  Buttery
           gratin, a perfect cheeseburger, or the world’s
           greatest grilled cheese sandwich, look no further.                      Texture
           This has a rich, buttery  flavor, with a lacy, smooth
           texture, and it melts beautifully.   The natural washed                    •  Semi-soft
           rind cheese has just a hint of funkiness, in the style of                  •  Creamy
           monastery cheeses.  Cheese like this are usually
           named for the monastery in which they are                               Pairing

           produced.  There is no monastery for this cheese,                          •  Chianti
           but there is the Hickory Grove Missionary Baptist
                                                                                      •  Belgian Ale
           Church right up the road from the creamery!
                                                                                      •  Cornichon

                   10104151             CHEESE HICKORY GROVE    1/4# Average

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