Page 29 - RCA Catalog
P. 29

Maytag Blue Cheese


                                                                                      •  Newton

                                                                                      •  Iowa


                                                                                      •  Unpasteurized

                                                                                      •  Cow

          Maytag Blue Cheese is made in small batches from
                                                                                      •  Blue Cheese
          the milk of Holstein cattle from Iowa dairy farms.

          The cheese is well known for its distinctive blue-                          •  Tangy with Lemony
          green veining. The wheels are aged in caves                                     finish
          located in the hills of Maytag Dairy Farm, where it is                   Texture

          exposed to cool temperatures with high levels of
                                                                                      •  Soft & Creamy
          humidity. The result is an award-winning artisanal

          cheese that is moist and creamy yet crumbly in                              •  Green Veined Blue
          texture that is slightly pungent with a lemony finish.                   Pairing

          The Maytag family has been producing this cheese
                                                                                      •  Fresh & Dried Fruit
          the same way for over eighty years.  Each wheel of
                                                                                      •  Cabernet Sauvignon
          Maytag Blue Cheese is hand-wrapped in their

          signature blue and silver foil.

                            10113234  MAYTAG BLUE CHEESE               1/4.5#

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