Page 42 - RCA Catalog
P. 42

Taleggio DOP

             Stella Alpina


                                                                                      •  Valassina

                                                                                      •  Lombardy, Italy


                                                                                      •  Pasteurized

                                                                                      •  Cow’s


           Made with the highest quality Lombardia milk, this                         •  Fresh bread
           tallegio fully respects old traditions, and is without a                   •  Stout, buttery
           doubt a first class cheese.  This product is DOP
           certified. “Denominazion di Origine Protetta,”  or                             Texture
           Protected Origin Denomination, is the mark granted
                                                                                      •  Semi-soft
           to products born and worked in a specific geographic

           area.  This means many features are due to the                             •  Smooth
           specific environment of the area, like the aspect of                    Pairing
           “terroir” expressed by fine wines. This washed rind
           cheese is aged for 50-60 days, providing natural dis-                      •  Crostini
           tinction and culminating in a rosy-brown color with a                      •  Gewurztraminer
           soft, thin crust. The fragrance is unique, even a little
           pungent in more mature cheeses,  The flavor is sweet

           and delicate, and a little tangy toward the inside.

               10055697           CHEESE TALEGGIO STELLA ALPINO DOP    1/5#Avg.

   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47