Page 37 - RCA Catalog
P. 37

Double Gloucester

                   Onion & Chive


                                                                                      •  Shropshire
                                                                                      •  England


                                                                                      •  Pasteurized

                                                                                      •  Cow’s
          Three generations of the Beckett Family have
          championed  farming and cheesemaking
          traditions in the heart of Shropshire at Belton                             •  Creamy

          Farms. A smooth, buttery Double Gloucester                                  •  Onion/Chive
          cheese infused with onion and chives, it is quite a
                                                                                      •  Nutty
          powerful cheese, yet very smooth and creamy. As
          are all the Belton Farms cheeses, this one is made                       Texture

          to an individual recipe which has been handed                               •  Semi-Hard
          down over the generations. It is a ‘vat-made’                            Pairing
          cheese, which involves the onions and chives

          being added to the cheese-make.                                             •  Pinot Grigio

                                                                                      •  Pinot Noir
          International Cheese Awards 2019 – Gold Award
                                                                                      •  Brown Ale
          & Winner of the Mitchelstown Cup

             10130534           CHEESE DOUBLE GLOUCESTER ONION & CHIVE         4/2.2 AVG

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