Page 82 - RCA Catalog
P. 82

Torta del Casar


                                                                                      •  Extremadura

                                                                                      •  Spain


                                                                                      •  Unpasteurized

                                                                                      •  Sheep’s

           A signature Spanish cheese, Torta del Casar is named for                Flavor
           the province of Caceres in the region of Extremadura                       •  Grassy
           where it originated. This unique style of cheese can only
           be made with raw sheep’s milk and thistle rennet, which                    •  Tangy

           imparts the paste with its unmistakable sour tang. Quesos
           del Casar is one of only six producers in the region making             Texture
           the DOP cheese. In operation for over 25 years,  they have                 •  Semi-soft
           been dedicated to preserving the integrity of traditional,
                                                                                      •  Creamy
           local cheeses that were once little-known outside the
           region. These straw-colored mini-tortas have a plush                    Pairing
           texture that will soften further with age.
           The characteristic slight sour tang mingles with hints of                  •  Verdejo
           grass and lanolin, flavors that become more intense as the                 •  Membrillo

           cheese ripens. We like to serve the torta at room temp

           with the top removed and a spreader inserted.

                   10131067             CHEESE TORTA DEL CASAR       2/1.2# AVG
   77   78   79   80   81   82