Page 15 - CBI Sales 2019
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COMPANIES                                                                                                                              COMPANIES

 Crazy Fish International  Meat Cut Shop                     Fish Cut Shop                              Global & Local Specialty

 Our new USDA processing center and test kitchen   Hand-cut premium meats is where   Southern Foods has a true full-service   Southern Foods is the premier source for
 are housed in our state of the art 74,000 square foot   Southern Foods began over 60 years   fish house. Their fishmonger keeps a   global and local specialty ingredients in
 facility. We combine technology with time honored   ago. Southern Foods was one of the first   broad seasonal selection of local and   the Southeast. Their product specialists
 traditional methods. Our in-house highly trained   suppliers ever licensed to sell Certified   imported species available from fresh   are always in search of new, remarkable
 quality assurance staff backs up the USDA third   Angus Beef®. Since then, their pioneering   turbot to portioned salmon fillets to   ingredients and the stories of people who
 party audit. We are proud to say we are EV certified.   tradition has continued with other meats   live softshell crabs. They receive fresh   craft them. They recognize that, from a
              like heritage breed pork, heritage poultry,    seafood every day so you can have fish     small farmer who grows and hand-mills
              and local niche meats. This shop is the        hand-cut and delivered often within        his heirloom grits, to a chocolatier who
              real deal with aging rooms to dry- or wet-     24-48 hours of being caught. With          meticulously hand-selects each cocoa
              age beef precisely to your taste, a custom     some of the fastest fish cutters in the    bean he uses, the love these artisans
              grind operation, and a crew of butchers        business, they can cut everything to       have for their product is what makes
              averaging 15+ years of experience.             order and never ahead of time.             them so extraordinary.
 12  |  407-648-9700                                                                                                        13
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