Page 12 - CBI Sales 2019
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COMPANIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMPANIES

                                                                                                                                                                            Grand Western also provides Home Delivery and Gourmet Gifts. By choosing Grand Western

                                                                                                                                                                            to supply your home, vessel or simply sending a heartfelt gift, you can feel confident you have

                                                                                                                                                                            purchased items that guarantee you consistency and the highest quality foods you demand.


                                                                                                         Warewashing                                                                                                                                                     Grand Western

                                                                                                         For more than 20 years, Cheney Brothers has                                                                                                                     Grand Western is dedicated to the production
                                                                                                         been combining innovative, effective and affordable                                                                                                             and delivery of the finest steaks, roasts and chops
                                                                                                         products with the industry’s most responsive and                                                                                                                that meet its customer’s exacting requirements.
                                                                                                         responsible service. That way, we don’t just promote                                                                                                            Since 1968, Grand Western has been known for its
                                                                                                         a more hygienic environment — we also help generate                                                                                                             consistency in providing only the finest meats and
                                                                                                         significant savings by maximizing efficiency and                                                                                                                food items to restaurants, hotels and country clubs
                                                                                                         simplifying program management. We specialize in                                                                                                                in Florida. This insistence on quality and services has
                                                                                                         manual warewashing solutions, dish machines and                                                                                                                 earned Grand Western the most loyal customers and
                                                                                                         chemicals, warewashing chemicals, laundry and                                                                                                                   friends. The Grand Western concern for consistent
                                                                                                         housekeeping solutions, hand care solutions, sanitary                                                                                                           superiority guarantees customers they will get the fine
                                                                                                         solutions, waste collection, water filtration, facilities                                                                                                       quality meats they expect with each and every order.
                                                                                                         services, drain line solutions.
       10                                                                                                                                                          or  |  800-497-3810                                                                               11
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