Page 9 - CBI Sales 2019
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DIVISIONS                                                                                                                                DIVISIONS

 Cheney provides a Weekly Market Report which includes information that helps

 your clients better understand the state of the local market and helps give you a

 competitive edge when communicating with them through your marketing efforts.

 We insist upon top quality products                                                                   Never content to rest on our laurels, we strive to
 from nationally recognized manufacturers.                                                             continuously improve and innovate our products and
 Our broad inventory of more than 15,000                                                               services. This commitment to excellence has served

 supplies features the finest items, from                                                              our customers well for more than 80 years, and
 gourmet to everyday.                                                                                  continues to serve as our standard for success.

 Fresh Produce  Seafood  Beverages                           Artisanal Cheeses & Specialty Ingredients

 We deliver a full line of cleaned, trimmed   From fresh mountain streams to deep   Select from beverages and drink dispensers   The Southern Foods Specialty Division is   hand-cut in smaller increments to keep
 cut and ready-to-use fresh produce   ocean waters, we provide the finest   from around the world including the   designed to fuel your inspiration. We’ve   your cheese offering fresh and diverse. Our
 packed exclusively for customers within   seafood in season and at the right price.   richest coffee beans, finest tea leaves,   assembled a team of Specialists who share   specialty foods guru cultivates an evolving
 our delivery boundaries. Consistent   Industry leaders in fresh and frozen   bar mixes and freshest juices. If you have   your passion for discovering new ingredients   portfolio of thousands of global and local
 quality, increased shelf life, safety   seafood, partner with us to bring you   any questions about taste or quality, our   that spark that “aha!” moment. Our   ingredients – charcuterie, spices, heirloom
 assurance, nearly 100% yields, and fast,   succulent delicacies from around the   Beverage Specialists are always available   cheesemonger curates an extensive, rotating   grains – all sourced from artisans who share
 easy preparation are the hallmarks of our   world. Our seafood specialists get on the   to assist you with all of your beverage and   selection of 300-400 imported, domestic,   the same love of their craft as you do.
 fresh produce.   boats and deal direct with processing   equipment installation needs.  and local cheeses. Order them whole or
 houses and farm fisheries to help
 establish the highest standards for
 quality and freshness.

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