Page 20 - CBI Sales 2019
P. 20

BRANDS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BRANDS

            Food trend predictions show

            that latin food is always in style.

                                                                                                        Acento & Tres Hermanos                                                                                                                                      Belgium Butter, Nut & Candy Company

                                                                                                        We are proud to introduce Acento Latino and Tres                                                                                                            Don’t hesitate to indulge in our large variety of nuts
                                                                                                        Hermanos, our growing line of Latin foods. Bringing                                                                                                         and snack foods. With varieties that range all the
                                                                                                        the very best of Latin America to you and your                                                                                                              way from raw to sweet to spicy; we are sure to hit
                                                                                                        customers! Keep your eye on CBI as we continue                                                                                                              every taste bud on your menu. Here we do things
                                                                                                        to expand our latest product line which includes                                                                                                            the “old fashioned” way ensuring that each and
                                                                                                        seasonings, arepas, spices, tortillas, rice and beans,                                                                                                      every product that is made tastes delicious. Our goal
                                                                                                        specialty cut meats, cheeses and empanadas.                                                                                                                 is only to buy the best quality of products, with just
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    one bite you will taste the difference.

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