Page 48 - Southern Foods
P. 48


                                                                              “For the past 40 years, the Ivey family has

                                                                                been raising heritage breed hogs on the
                                                                                    family farm in Seven Springs, North
                                                                                Carolina. Cheshire Pork is richly colored,
                                                                               well marbled, and always juicy. The pork
                                                                                 gets high Minolta scores, which insures
                                                                                    moisture retention during cooking.”

                                                                                                         CHESHIRE PORK

               ITEM #     BRAND                DESCRIPTION                                       PACK
               10056768   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK BELLY SKIN OFF                               3/10# AVG
               10056767   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK BELLY SKIN ON                                3/10# AVG
               10056764   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK BONES FEMUR                                  1/40# AVG
               10056758   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK BUTT BONE IN 9# AVG                          2/2 CT
               10056756   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK BUTT BONELESS 8# AVG                         2/2 CT
               10130808   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK COLLARS CAP ON                               3/4# AVG
               10050033   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK GROUND FINE                                  2/5# AVG
               10056766   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK LOIN BONELESS CENTER CUT                     4/8# AVG
               10056770   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK RACK CENTER CUT 10 BONE CHINE BONE OFF       6/7# AVG
               10075416   CHESHIRE PORK        PORK RACK CENTER CUT 10 BONE CHINE BONE OFF       2/7# AVG

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