Page 2 - Southern Foods
P. 2

3          APPETIZERS
                     4-5        BACON, PANCETTA, & BREAKFAST SAUSAGE

                                CHARCUTERIE:  WHOLE MUSCLE
           contents  8-9        CHARCUTERIE:  SALAMIS, SAUSAGES,
                                & SPECIALTY FRANKS

                                DELI & WHOLE COOKED MEATS

                                FOIE GRAS & PÂTÉ
                     10         SOUS VIDE ENTREES
                     11-12      SAUCES, MUSTARDS, & SPREADS ETC.
                     13-14      OLIVES, PEPPERS, & TOMATOES ETC.

                     15         OILS & VINEGARS
                     16         CHIPS, CRACKERS, & SNACKS
                     17         NUTS & SEEDS

                     18         HONEY, SYRUP, & SUGAR
                     18         PUREES & DRIED FRUIT                                 GLOBAL & LOCAL
                     19-21      SPICES & RUBS                                        SPECIALTY GOODS

                     22-23      GLOBAL INGREDIENTS                                   From a small farmer who grows
                     24         PASTA, FOCACCIA, & PIZZA CRUST                       and hand-mills his heirloom
                     25         RICE & GRAINS
                                                                                     grits, to a cheesemaker hand
                     25         LEGUMES & SPECIALTY VEGETABLES
                                                                                     selecting perfectly aged wheels
                     26-27      WATER / BAR & COCKTAIL / BEVERAGES
                                                                                     on the same farm where the
                     28         CHOCOLATE COUVERTURE, BAKING, & PASTRY
                                                                                     cows grazed and were milked,
                     29         FLOUR
                                                                                     the love an artisan has for
                     30-31      SWEETS
                                                                                     their product is what makes it
                     32-37      ARTISANAL CHEESES
                     38         SPECIALTY DAIRY & ICE CREAM                          special. For us, preserving that
                     38-39      SPECIALTY CAVIAR & SEAFOOD                           human touch by sharing the
                     40-41      SPECIALTY POULTRY & FOWL                             story is what makes specialty

                     42-45      CERTIFIED ANGUS BEEF   ®                             sourcing fun.
                     46         WAGYU, GRASS FED, & GRASS/GRAIN FED BEEF

                     47         SPECIALTY GAME
                     48-49      SPECIALTY PORK
                     50-51      LAMB & VEAL
                     While the vast majority of the items in this catalogue are stocked by Cheney Brothers, Inc.
                     in North Carolina, a few are special order items and would require lead time.

          s o u t h e r n   f o o d s         g l o b a l   &   l o c a l   s p e c i a l t y   r e s o u r c e   g u i d e
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