Page 8 - CBI Jan/San & Lodging 2025
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Citrus Plus(10068404): Nutra Max(10043274):
Heavy Duty Multi-Purpose Cleaner/- One Steo Disinfectant, Cleaner,
Degreaser Concentrate Fungicide and Virucide
This powerful cleaner/degreaser is not a soap Neutral, one-step hospital use disinfectant,
nor a detergent, but well balanced chemical germicidal cleaner and deodorant
compound. It is fully rust inhibited and is safe designed for general cleaning of any hard
for cleaning all ferrous and non- ferrous non-porous surface.
metals. 4/1 GL Case
2/1 GL Case
HD Tub And Tile Cleaner(10040682):
Porcelain, Tile & Metal Cleaner Re-Move-It(10040675):
Surfaces that can be sa ey and easily cleaned Instant Mold & Mildew Stain Remover
with this tile and metal cleaner include: porce- Designed for use on oors, windowsills,
lain, vitreous china, ceramic tile, terra cotta tile, bricks, concrete, awnings, cars, RVs, boats,
stainless steel, chrome plate, brass, bronze, steel and more. Will e ectively remove mold and
and plastic laminates. Rust, hardwater deposits, mildew stains from exterior surfaces. This
uric acid, food stains, and organic matter are product brightens as it cleans.
removed by regular use of this tile and metal 12/1 QT Case
cleaner. Does not contain hydrochloric acid.
12/1 QT Case
Crystal Drain Opener(10150701):
Professional grade, highest active
content, crystal ake drain opener
Eradicator RTU(10040674): activated by hot water. Designed for use
Bio-Enzymatic Odor & Stain Remover in virtually all small drains and grease
For use on carpet, upholstery and more to traps. Ideal for use in the foodservice
remove spots and control odor. Removes deep and hospitality industries. The fast-act-
down odors and soils caused from smoke, co ee, ing formula works in 60 seconds to
berries, juice, ink, tar, sewage, drains, blood, dissolve built-up grease, oils, hair and
vomit, pets, urine, feces, oil, grass, spoiled foods, soap scum.
shoes, human and animal decomposition. 24/1 lb Jar
12/1 QT Case
Dumpster Dandy(10066297):
One Step Daily Damp Mop(10040687): Enzyme product with a cherry scent
Concentrated Neutral pH Daily Floor Cleaner that removes malodor, protein stains
Mild, no rinse concentraated detergent for oor and insects that are usually found
and hard surface cleaning. Mop oors as part of around dumpsters, trash chutes/com-
daily oor care maintenance to pick-up soil and pactors, land lls, garbage trucks, back
enhance shine. Fresh lemon scent. of hospitals and medical clinics,
Dilution rate: 1oz : 64 oz kennels, barns/stables, hotels/motels,
2/1 GL Case restaurants and more. Non-toxic and
safe for the environment.
6/1 QT Case
Manufactured for:
One Cheney Way
Riviera Beach, FL 33404-7000
561-845-4700 • 800-432-1341