Page 28 - CBI Sales 2019
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SERVICES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SERVICES

            Food Safety Management                          Chef Corp Certification                                                                                           Credit Card Processing  |  ATM

            Chefcorp serves the training needs of           Cheney Brothers offers food safety certification                                                                  With Cheney Brother Credit Card Processing,     •   Faster access to your funds to free up       •   Help protect your customers and your
            small, medium and large food service            at our Ocala and Riviera locations.                                                                               start each week strong with access to your         capital and grow your business                   business from costly data breaches
            companies. ChefCorp works to keep you           •   4 hour Food Safety Manager Class                                                                              Thursday, Friday and Saturday proceeds          •   Relax with the confidence that you have         through an industry-leading security
            compliant with health code requirements             & Certification Exam                                                                                          on Monday! As always, Cheney Brothers              24/7/365 US-based support from a                 program that includes streamlined PCI
            by providing training and/or testing for        •   1 hour Food Safety Manager Class                                                                              is looking for ways to help you grow your          tenured team that’s invested in your             compliance and the option of end-to-end
            managers and food handlers.                         & Online Exam                                                                                                 business!                                          business without the complication or             payment encryption.
                                                            •   Online Food Safety Manager                                                                                    •   Improve your cash flow and speed up            costs associated with a middleman.            •   Accept all payment types – American
                                                                Certification Exam                                                                                               reconciliation.                              •   Partner with a team of professionals to         Express®, Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®,
                                                            •   Practice Exam                                                                                                 •   Pay Vendors and suppliers more quickly         help navigate your payment processing            checks, gift cards, rewards cards and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                 to possibly secure better pricing.              options and guide you to the payment
                                                                                                                                                                              •   Increase the amount of cash on hand to         solution that best optimizes your cash
                                                                                                                                                                                 replenish inventory.                            flow and bottom line.
      26                                                        561-676-7076   |                                                                                                                                                                               For more information, please call 800-517-1242  27
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