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The PURELL® Body Fluid Spill Kit — powered by the
        PURELL® brand — is a complete solution, designed to
        support your organization’s food safety and risk
        management programs. At the core of each kit is
        PURELL® Foodservice Surface Sanitizer, which features
        industry-leading kill times, multi-surface performance,
        and Food Code-compliant formulation. The PURELL®
        Body Fluid Spill Kit helps you quickly and e”ectively
        eliminate germs after an incident. Join the growing list
        of national foodservice brands that are using this
        breakthrough new solution.

        PURELL  Body Fluid Spill Kits

        PURELL® Body Fluid Spill Kit - CBI #: 10137454 • PURELL® Body Fluid Spill Kit Refill - CBI #: 10137455

                                                                Key Components

         • Safely remove vomit, blood, and feces                • PURELL Foodservice Surface Sanitizer (8 fl oz)

         • Bilingual instructions with step-by-step images      • PURELL  Advanced Hand Sanitizer Single Use
         • OSHA and FDA Food Code compliant                     • absorbent blend with deodorizer
         • Three-year shelf life                                • Heavy-duty hand-held scraper and dustpan
         •                                                      • Head-to-toe personal protection kit
          against COVID-19 virus, norovirus, E. coli,            (hair net, gown with sleeves, gloves,
          Salmonella, and more in 30 seconds                     shoe covers, eye shield, and mask)

            -  Approved for food-contact surfaces               • Three medical-grade absorbent towels
             with no rinse required                             • Large trash bag and tie

            -                                                   • Bilingual instruction guide and training video
             of hard and soft surfaces

                                                                  Investing in body fluid spill kits is a smart
                                                                  business decision.
                                                                  • Complies with state and local food safety requirements for

           Scan to read & print    Scan QR Code to learn           2-501.11) and the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard to
           The FL Food Service     more on how to use the          eliminate or minimize exposure to blood (29 CFR 1910.1030)
           & Lodging Bulletin     Purell® Body Fluid Spill Kit

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