Page 138 - 2024 C2C CATALOG
P. 138


                     MIKE'S AMAZING MUSTARD AND MAYO


                                                          10135257  YELLOW MUSTARD                   12/9OZ

                                                    The brigh t y ello w c olor y ou lo v e achie v ed the na tur al w a y , with the
                                                    The bright yellow color you love achieved the natural way, with the
                                                        perf ect blend of mus t ar d seed, na tur al spices, and vineg ar .
                                                        perfect blend of mustard seed, natural spices, and vinegar.


      10135260  YELLOW MUSTARD PC   500/9 GRAM
      10135259 MAYONNAISE PC                     200/12 GRAM

      133                                                                         COAST TO COAST FOOD BROKERS
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143