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                                                              We are an app designed to

                                                           promote the small to mid-sized

                                                           restauranteur and focusing on

                                                                           eating local!

                                                                     Eat Local

            Who Are We?

                                                                       Sign up for FREE with no
        Our platform is designed around supporting                       credit card information!
       local restaurants around the country by being
         a marketing and resource center for them.            
           We’ve spent our entire lives in the food                   Try us for 6months risk free with
       business, and no one knows the importance of                   specialty key Cheney180 at time
            the local economy better than we do!                           of sign up! No contracts!

           FIRST IN RESULTS- Roll to the top of the
           list for people in your area looking for
           the cuisines you do.

           MULTIPLE LOCATIONS- Easily manage
           multiple locations or concepts from a
           single account with ability to assign
           management emails for individual                             Download the app for
           APP LINK BENEFITS- Publish specials,                                    FREE!
           accolades, menus and more directly to
           the app from a mobile friendly

           PUSH NOTIFICATIONS- Connect to app
           users in your area with ease.

           SOCIAL MEDIA- We help you grow your
           social media presence by connecting to
           your accounts, blog posts and even our
           own social posts.
           LIBRARIES- Access to libraries of
           recipes, coupons and more, all at your                             888-852-0108
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